Argmax Prototype and Function List


This kernel returns the positions of maximum values across the whole tensor, or for each slice across a dimension.


Argmax functions have the following prototype:

mli_status mli_krn_argmax_<data_format>(
   const mli_tensor *in,
   const mli_argmax_cfg *cfg,
   mli_tensor *out);

where data_format is one of the data formats listed in Table MLI Data Formats and the function parameters are shown in the following table:

Argmax Function Parameters





mli_tensor *

[IN] Pointer to constant input tensor.


mli_argmax_cfg *

[IN] Pointer to argmax parameters structure.


mli_tensor *

[OUT] Pointer to output tensor. Result is stored here

mli_argmax_cfg is defined as:

typedef struct {
     int32_t axis;
     int32_t topk;
} mli_argmax_cfg;
mli_argmax_cfg Structure Field Description

Field name





An axis along which the function is computed. Axis corresponds to index of tensor’s dimension starting from 0. For instance, having feature map in HWC layout, axis == 0 corresponds to H dimension. If axis < 0, the function is applied to the whole tensor.



Number of indexes per slice to be returned.

List of Available Argmax Functions:

Function Name



in tensor data format: sa8


in tensors data format: fx16


Ensure that you satisfy the following general conditions before calling the function:

  • in tensor must be valid (see mli_tensor Structure Field Descriptions) and satisfy data requirements of the selected version of the kernel.

  • out tensor must be valid (see mli_tensor Structure Field Descriptions) and satisfy the following requiremens:

    • el_type is equal to MLI_EL_SA_32

    • 2-dimensional tensor (rank == 2) of shape (dim_size, top_k) where top_k is equal to cfg.topk and dim_size is equal to in.shape[cfg.axis] if cfg.axis >= 0. If cfg.axis < 0 then dim_size is equal to 1

  • mem_stride must satisfy the following statements:

    • For out tensor - memstride must reflect the shape, e.g memory of these tensors must be contiguous.

    • For in tensor - memstride of the innermost dimension must be equal to 1.

  • axis parameter of cfg structure might be negative and must be less than in tensor rank.

  • top_k parameter of cfg structure must satisfy the following requirements depending on the axis parameter of cfg structure:

    • axis < 0 : top_k must be less or equal to the total number of elements in in tensor.

    • axis >= 0 : top_k must be less or equal to the total number of elements in a single slice across the specified axis (that is the product of all dimensions other than cfg.axis)

For sa8 versions of kernel, in addition to general conditions, ensure that you satisfy the following condition before calling the function:

  • in tensor must be quantized on the tensor level. This implies that the tensor contains a single scale factor and a single zero offset.

Ensure that you satisfy the platform-specific conditions in addition to those listed above (see the Platform Specific Details chapter).


These functions modify:

  • Memory pointed by field.

  • el_params field of out tensor.

It is assumed that all the other fields and structures are properly populated to be used in calculations and are not modified by the kernel.

el_params field is configured to reflect fully integer values (zero_offset = 0, scale = 1 and scale_frac_bits = 0).

Values in output tensor are 32 bit indexes. An index represents the target value position in the linear memory pointed by input tensor data field. Hence, the value itself can be extracted from the array without using the shape or memory stride fields of the input tensor.


If in tensor has sa8 type, value can be extracted just as[id] where id is taken from out tensor using[] array. Memory strides and shape of in tensor are already considered.

Depending on the debug level (see section Error Codes), this function performs a parameter check and returns the result as an mli_status code as described in section Kernel Specific Configuration Structures.