Creating Eclipse plugins release zip file ========================================= Following is an guide how to create distributable release file for Eclipse for GNU Toolchain for ARC. #. Create tag for release: ``$ git tag arc-2014.12`` #. Clean all past artifacts: ``$ git clean -dfx`` #. Ensure that no files are modified: ``$ git reset --hard HEAD`` #. Start Eclipse #. Build plugins. That is important, because even when it is not done, "publishing step" will somehow succeed, but will produce plugins that are only partially functional. #. Make sure that "Project / Build Automatically" is checked #. Go to "Project / Clean" #. Check "Clean all projects" #. Press OK button #. Open ``site.xml`` file of "ARC GNU Eclipse Update Site" #. Press "Build All" #. Zip contents of "updatesite" folder. Note that contents of this folder should be zipped, not the folder itself. Files ``.gitignore`` and ``.project`` should be excluded from zip: ``zip -r artifacts.jar content.jar features/ plugins/ site.xml``