Previous: AVR-Regs, Up: AVR Syntax Relocatable Expression Modifiers

The assembler supports several modifiers when using relocatable addresses in AVR instruction operands. The general syntax is the following:

This modifier allows you to use bits 0 through 7 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression.
This modifier allows you to use bits 7 through 15 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This is useful with, for example, the AVR ‘ldi’ instruction and ‘lo8’ modifier.

For example

          ldi r26, lo8(sym+10)
          ldi r27, hi8(sym+10)

This modifier allows you to use bits 16 through 23 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. Also, can be useful for loading 32 bit constants.
Synonym of ‘hh8’.
This modifier allows you to use bits 24 through 31 of an expression as 8 bit expression. This is useful with, for example, the AVR ‘ldi’ instruction and ‘lo8’, ‘hi8’, ‘hlo8’, ‘hhi8’, modifier.

For example

          ldi r26, lo8(285774925)
          ldi r27, hi8(285774925)
          ldi r28, hlo8(285774925)
          ldi r29, hhi8(285774925)
          ; r29,r28,r27,r26 = 285774925

This modifier allows you to use bits 0 through 7 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This modifier useful for addressing data or code from Flash/Program memory. The using of ‘pm_lo8’ similar to ‘lo8’.
This modifier allows you to use bits 8 through 15 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This modifier useful for addressing data or code from Flash/Program memory.
This modifier allows you to use bits 15 through 23 of an address expression as 8 bit relocatable expression. This modifier useful for addressing data or code from Flash/Program memory.