Makefile Manual

This is an introduction to embARC makefile system, which including a set of tools that you could build, run and debug your code with. This document also contains a quick manual helping you to find the right command for your project.

Here are quick in-page links of some mostly used commands:

Commands Details

This make system is based on make/gmake. Please make sure your environment meets the Software Requirement.


This is one of the most useful commands, you could use it whenever you have problem finding the right command. Help information will be printed to your console.

make help


gmake help

In the following part of this manual, we will only use make in example, you could change it to gmake anytime.


make/gmake is provided in the MetaWare toolkit (gmake) and ARC GNU toolchain (make).

make help
"Build Targets for selected configuration:"
"  all         - Build example"
"  bin         - Build and Generate binary for example"
"  hex         - Build and Generate Intel Hex File for example"
"  build       - Clean first then compile example"
"  dump        - Generate dump information for example"
"  dasm        - Disassemble object file"
"  size        - Display size information of object file"
"  sign        - Sign binary for example with mcuboot scripts"
"Clean Targets:"
"  clean       - Remove object files of selected configuration"
"  boardclean  - Remove object files of selected board"
"  distclean   - Remove object files of all boards"
"Debug & Run Targets for selected configuration:"
"  run         - Use MDB & JTAG to download and run object elf file"
"  gui         - Use MDB & JTAG to download and debug object elf file"
"Other Targets:"
"  cfg         - Display build target configuration"
"  opt         - Display Current MAKE options"
"  spopt       - Display Supported MAKE options"
"Available Configurations:"
"  BOARD=<board_name>                          - Specify the board(axs emsdp emsk hsdk iotdk nsim)"
"  BD_VER=<board_ver>                          - Specify the board verison"
"  OLEVEL=Os|O0|O1|O2|O3                       - Specify Optimization level"
"  CUR_CORE=<core configuration>               - Specify core configuration"
"  TCF=path/to/your tcf                        - Specify customized tcf file"
"  TOOLCHAIN=mw|gnu                            - Specify toolchain"
"  JTAG=usb|opella                             - Specify Hardware Debugger(Digilent JTAG or Ashling Opella-XD JTAG)"
"  OUT_DIR_ROOT=.|xxx                          - Specify where to generate object files"
"  SILENT=0|1                                  - Disable or enable message output"
"  V=0|1                                       - Disable or enable verbose compiling information"
"  DIG_NAME=xxx                                - Specify Digilent JTAG which to be used, most useful when more than one Digilent USB-JTAG plugged in"
"  HEAPSZ=xxx                                  - Specify heap size for program, xxx stands for size in bytes"
"  STACKSZ=xxx                                 - Specify stack size for program, xxx stands for size in bytes"
"  LINKER_SCRIPT_FILE=xxx                      - Specify customized linker script, the script will be sent directly to linker. xxx stands for the relative path of linker script file to current directory"
"  LINKER_USE_TEMPLATE=0|1                     - If set this option to 1, then use LINKER_SCRIPT_FILE=xxx file as template and send it to compiler. Compiler only accept .ld .lcf files as template and will generate .ldf file as linker script"
"Example Usage:"
"  make all                                                                - build example in current directory using default configuration"
"  make BOARD=emsk BD_VER=22 CUR_CORE=arcem7d OLEVEL=O2 TOOLCHAIN=gnu all  - build example using configuration (emsk, 22, arcem7d, O2, gnu)"
"  make BOARD=emsk BD_VER=22 CUR_CORE=arcem7d TCF=mytcfpath all            - build example using configuration (emsk, 22, arcem7d) using the tcf defined in TCF option"


The basic way of this command is to enter make cfg, the makefile system will check and print out current settings as well as supported configurations, showing below.

make cfg
"=======Current Configuration======="
"Host OS            : Windows"
"Board              : emsk"
"Hardware Version   : 22"
"Core Configuration : arcem7d"
"CPU Clock HZ       : "
"Peripheral Clock HZ: "
"Build Toolchain    : mw"
"Optimization Level : O2"
"Debug Jtag         : usb"
"======Supported Configurations of emsk-22======"
"Boards (BOARD)                 : axs emsk hsdk iotdk nsim"
"Core Configurations (CUR_CORE) : arcem11d arcem7d arcem9d"
"Build Toolchains (TOOLCHAIN)   : gnu mw"
"Debug Jtags (JTAG)             : usb opella"
"Linker Script (LINKER_SCRIPT_FILE): ../../../board/linker_template_mw.ld"

At supported Configurations, you can find different choices for your command, the uppercase words in parentheses are paramater names to be used in your command. For example, the command below will execute your command for an EMSK board with arcem7d core, toolchain will be gnu and JTAG connection is via USB.

make BOARD=emsk CUR_CORE=arcem7d TOOLCHAIN=gnu JTAG=usb [your command]

For the details of command parameters, see Useful Options

A handy application to use cfg:

Suppose we need to build the project on hsdk, but we are not sure the exact core name. Then we could use cfg command with BOARD=hsdk so makefile system could find avaiable cores for us. In this case there are archs38_c0 archs38_c1 archs38_c2 archs38_c3 available.

make BOARD=hsdk cfg
"=======Current Configuration======="
"Host OS            : Windows"
"Board              : hsdk"
"Hardware Version   : 10"
"Core Configuration : archs38_c0"
"CPU Clock HZ       : "
"Peripheral Clock HZ: "
"Build Toolchain    : mw"
"Optimization Level : O2"
"Debug Jtag         : usb"
"======Supported Configurations of hsdk-10======"
"Boards (BOARD)                 : axs emsk hsdk iotdk nsim"
"Core Configurations (CUR_CORE) : archs38_c0 archs38_c1 archs38_c2 archs38_c3"
"Build Toolchains (TOOLCHAIN)   : gnu mw"
"Debug Jtags (JTAG)             : usb opella"


This command will clean and build the project with selected paramaters.

Here is an example using EMSK (version 1.1, arcem6 core), compiled with gnu.

make BOARD=emsk BD_VER=11 CUR_CORE=arcem6 TOOLCHAIN=gnu build


Debug command, will first compile and link the project, then load the project with debugger and start debugging.

Here is a example using EMSK (version 2.2, arcem9d core), compiled with Metaware and debug via usb connection.

make BOARD=emsk BD_VER=22 CUR_CORE=arcem9d TOOLCHAIN=mw JTAG=usb [your command]


When this command is used, makefile system will first compile and link the project. Then it will try to download the project to the board and start running it. If no target board is found, it will return error.

Here is a example using IoTDK (version 1.0, arcem9d core), compiled with Metaware and debug via usb connection.

make BOARD=iotdk BD_VER=10 CUR_CORE=arcem9d TOOLCHAIN=mw JTAG=usb run

You may also use it without BD_VER and CUR_CORE options since they are default options.

make BOARD=iotdk TOOLCHAIN=mw JTAG=usb run


This command will clean the directory, removing all object files of all boards.

make distclean

Useful Options

  1. Boards (BOARD): Use this option to check config for different boards. Usually the default BOARD setting is EMSK.

  2. Core Configurations (CUR_CORE): Shows available core choices.

  3. Build Toolchains (TOOLCHAIN):To choose from different toolchains.

  4. Debug Jtags (JTAG): In most case the micro-usb interface on board supports JTAG debugging. Ashling’s Opella-XD-ARC is also supported by some boards.

  5. Board version (BD_VER): Often used by EMSK which has many versions.