Building the BSP from the Command Line

Build Example for EMSK

  1. Generate board configuration files and move them to the application folder. Use following commands for the EMSK 2.3 board and ARC EM7D as an example.

    # EMSK 2.3, ARC EM7D on Windows
    cd embarc_bsp\board\emsk\configs\23
    # EMSK 2.3, ARC EM7D on Linux
    cd embarc_bsp/board/emsk/configs/23
    # MetaWare
    tcftool arcem7d.tcf -q -x C_defines,arc_core_config.h -x ccac.arg
    # ARC GNU
    tcftool arcem7d.tcf -q -x C_defines,arc_core_config.h -x gcc.arg
  2. Move the linker script and copy arc_core_config.h and .arg to the application folder.

    # MetaWare on Windows
    mv arc_core_config.h ccac.arg ../../../../example/hello/mwdt
    cp ld\linker_mw.ld ../../../../example/hello/mwdt
    cd ..\..\..\..\example\hello\mwdt
    mv linker_mw.ld arc_core.ld
    # ARC GNU on Windows
    mv arc_core_config.h gcc.arg ../../../../example/hello/arcgnu
    cp ld\linker_gnu.ld ../../../../example/hello/arcgnu
    cd ..\..\..\..\example\hello\arcgnu
    mv linker_gnu.ld arc_core.ld
    # MetaWare on Linux
    mv arc_core_config.h ccac.arg ../../../../example/hello/mwdt
    cp ld/linker_mw.ld ../../../../example/hello/mwdt
    cd ../../../../example/hello/mwdt
    mv linker_mw.ld arc_core.ld
    # ARC GNU on Linux
    mv arc_core_config.h gcc.arg ../../../../example/hello/arcgnu
    cp ld/linker_gnu.ld ../../../../example/hello/arcgnu
    cd ../../../../example/hello/arcgnu
    mv linker_gnu.ld arc_core.ld
  3. Build the hello world example for the EMSK 2.3 board and ARC EM7D.

    # MetaWare
    # ARC GNU


make for ARC GNU toolchain, gmake for MetaWare toolkit.