Max Pooling Prototype and Function List --------------------------------------- Description ^^^^^^^^^^^ Max pooling computes each value of the output tensor as the maximum of all values in the related perception area of a single channel of the input tensor. The perception area size is defined as :math:`kernel\_width * kernel\_height` (see Figure :ref:`f_pool2x2max`). .. _f_pool2x2max: .. figure:: ../images/pool_2x2max.png :align: center Example for 2x2 Max pooling .. For example, in a HWC data layout, if the ``in`` feature map is :math:`(Hi, Wi, Ci)`, the ``out`` feature map is :math:`(Ho, Wo, Ci)` tensor where the spatial dimensions comply with the system of equations :eq:`eq_pool_shapes`. Functions ^^^^^^^^^ Kernels which implement max pooling functions have the following prototype: .. code:: c mli_status mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_( const mli_tensor *in, const mli_pool_cfg *cfg, mli_tensor *out); .. .. table:: Max Pooling Function Parameters :align: center :widths: auto +---------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | **Parameter** | **Type** | **Description** | +===============+=======================+==================================================+ | ``in`` | ``mli_tensor *`` | [IN] Pointer to constant input tensor. | +---------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``cfg`` | ``mli_pool_cfg *`` | [IN] Pointer to pooling parameters structure | +---------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``out`` | ``mli_tensor *`` | [IN | OUT] Pointer to output feature map tensor. | | | | Result is stored here | +---------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ .. .. tabularcolumns:: |\Y{0.45}|\Y{0.4}| .. table:: List of Available Max Pooling Functions :align: center :class: longtable +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | **Function Name** | **Details** | +========================================+==============================+ | ``mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_sa8`` | In/out layout: **HWC** | | | | | | In/out data format: **sa8** | | | | | | Supports any kernel size | +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ``mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_fx16`` | In/out layout: **HWC** | | | | | | In/out data format: **fx16** | | | | | | Supports any kernel size | +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ``mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_sa8_k2x2`` | In/out layout: **HWC** | | | | | | In/out data format: **sa8** | | | | | | Kernel width: **2** | | | | | | Kernel height: **2** | +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ``mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_fx16_k2x2`` | In/out layout: **HWC** | | | | | | In/out data format: **sa8** | | | | | | Kernel width: **2** | | | | | | Kernel height: **2** | +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ``mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_sa8_k3x3`` | In/out layout: **HWC** | | | | | | In/out data format: **sa8** | | | | | | Kernel width: **3** | | | | | | Kernel height: **3** | +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ``mli_krn_maxpool_hwc_fx16_k3x3`` | In/out layout: **HWC** | | | | | | In/out data format: **sa8** | | | | | | Kernel width: **3** | | | | | | Kernel height: **3** | +----------------------------------------+------------------------------+ .. Conditions ^^^^^^^^^^ Ensure that you satisfy the following general conditions before calling the function: - ``in`` and ``out`` tensors must be valid (see :ref:`mli_tnsr_struc`) and satisfy data requirements of the selected version of the kernel. - Shapes of ``in`` and ``out`` tensors must be compatible, which implies the following requirements: - ``in`` and ``out`` are 3-dimensional tensors (rank==3). Dimensions meaning, and order (layout) is aligned with the specific version of kernel. - Channel :math:`Ci` dimension of ``in`` and ``out`` tensors must be equal. - Shapes of ``in`` and ``out`` tensors together with ``cfg`` structure must satisfy the equations :eq:`eq_pool_shapes` - ``in`` and ``out`` tensors must not point to overlapped memory regions. - ``mem_stride`` of the innermost dimension must be equal to 1 for all the tensors. - ``padding_top`` and ``padding_bottom`` parameters must be in range of [0, ``kernel_height``). - ``padding_left`` and ``padding_right`` parameters must be in range of [0, ``kernel_width``). - ``stride_width`` and ``stride_height`` parameters must not be equal to 0. For **sa8** versions of kernel, in addition to the general conditions, ensure that you satisfy the following quantization conditions before calling the function: - ``in`` and ``out`` tensors must be quantized on the tensor level. This implies that each tensor contains a single scale factor and a single zero offset. Ensure that you satisfy the platform-specific conditions in addition to those listed above (see the :ref:`platform_spec_chptr` chapter). Result ^^^^^^ These functions modify: - Memory pointed by ```` field. - ``el_params`` field of ``out`` tensor which is copied from ``in`` tensor. It is assumed that all the other fields of ``out`` tensor are properly populated to be used in calculations and are not modified by the kernel. Depending on the debug level (see section :ref:`err_codes`) this function performs a parameter check and returns the result as an ``mli_status`` code as described in section :ref:`kernl_sp_conf`.