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Custom instructions

Extension Instructions Encoding

ARC architecture allows users to specify extension instructions. These extension instructions are not macros. The assembler creates encodings for using these instructions according to the specification by the user. Here is a list of supported instructions:

Number of operands Major opcode Sub-opcode 1 Sub-opcode 2 Sub-opcode 3
3 0x07 0x00-0x2E, 0x30-0x3f
2 0x07 0x2F 0x00-0x3E
1 0x07 0x2F 0x3F 0x00-0x3F
0 0x07 0x2F 0x3F 0x00-0x3F

Three-operand Instructions

Three-operand instructions have op<.cc><.f> a,b,c syntax format, and it is the most general form of an ARC instruction:

op<.f> a,b,c
op<.f> a,b,u6
op<.f> b,b,s12
op<.cc><.f> b,b,c
op<.cc><.f> b,b,u6
op<.f> a,limm,c
op<.f> a,limm,u6
op<.f> 0,limm,s12
op<.cc><.f> 0,limm,c
op<.cc><.f> 0,limm,u6
op<.f> a,b,limm
op<.cc><.f> b,b,limm
op<.f> a,limm,limm
op<.cc><.f> 0,limm,limm
op<.f> 0,b,c
op<.f> 0,b,u6
op<.f> 0,limm,c
op<.f> 0,limm,u6
op<.f> 0,b,limm
op<.f> 0,limm,limm

Two-operand Instructions

Two-operand instructions have the following syntax format:

op<.f> b,c
op<.f> b,u6
op<.f> b,limm
op<.f> 0,c
op<.f> 0,u6
op<.f> 0,limm

One-operand and Zero-operand Instructions

One-operand instructions are having the following syntax format:

op<.f> c
op<.f> u6
op<.f> limm

Zero-operand instructions are actually has op<.f> u6 one-operand instruction syntax, with u6 set to zero.

To create a custom instruction, ones need to make use of the .extInstruction pseudo-op, which also allows the user to choose for a particular instruction syntax:

Defining Custom Instructions

.extInstruction pseudo-op is used to create a custom instruction. On top of the formal syntax choices, we have also syntax class modifiers:

  • OP1_MUST_BE_IMM which applies for SYNTAX_3OP type of extension instructions, specifying that the first operand of a three-operand instruction must be an immediate (i.e., the result is discarded). This is usually used to set the flags using specific instructions and not retain results.
  • OP1_IMM_IMPLIED modifies syntax class SYNTAX_2OP, specifying that there is an implied immediate destination operand which does not appear in the syntax. In fact this is actually an 3-operand encoded instruction!

Example №1. Three-operand instruction

Definitions of the instruction:

.extInstruction insn1, 0x07, 0x2d, SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_3OP|OP1_MUST_BE_IMM

Using the instruction:

insn1  0,b,c
insn1  0,b,u6
insn1  0,limm,c
insn1  0,b,limm

Example №2. Two-operand instruction


The encoding of insn2 uses the SYNTAX_3OP format (i.e., Major 0x07 and SubOpcode1: 0x00-0x2E, 0x30-0x3F)

Definitions of the instruction:

.extInstruction insn2, 0x07, 0x2d, SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_2OP|OP1_IMM_IMPLIED

Using the instruction:

insn2  b,c
insn2  b,u6
insn2  limm,c
insn2  b,limm

Example №3. All Variants

Definitions of the instructions:

.extInstruction insn1, 7, 0x21, SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_3OP
.extInstruction insn2, 7, 0x21, SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_2OP
.extInstruction insn3, 7, 0x21, SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_1OP
.extInstruction insn4, 7, 0x21, SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_NOP

Using the instruction:

    insn1   r0,r1,r2
    insn2   r0,r1
    insn3   r1

Disassembly of section .text:

0x0000 <start>:
   0:   3921 0080               insn1   r0,r1,r2
   4:   382f 0061               insn2   r0,r1
   8:   392f 407f               insn3   r1
   c:   396f 403f               insn4

Support in GCC

Using Inline Functions

Define a macro for a two-operand custom instruction:

#define intrinsic_2OP(NAME, MOP, SOP)       \
    ".extInstruction " NAME "," #MOP ","    \

Instantiate the custom instruction:

__asm__ (intrinsic_2OP ("chk_pkt", 0x07, 0x01));

Create an inline function:

__extension__ static __inline int32_t __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
__chk_pkt (int32_t __a)
  int32_t __dst;
  __asm__ ("chk_pkt %0, %1\n\t"
             : "=r" (__dst)
             : "rCal" (__a));
  return __dst;

Here is a full example:

#include <stdint.h>

#define intrinsic_2OP(NAME, MOP, SOP)       \
    ".extInstruction " NAME "," #MOP ","    \

__asm__ (intrinsic_2OP ("chk_pkt", 0x07, 0x01));

__extension__ static __inline int32_t __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
__chk_pkt (int32_t __a)
    int32_t __dst;
    __asm__ ("chk_pkt %0, %1\n\t"
                : "=r" (__dst)
                : "rCal" (__a));
    return __dst;

int foo (void)
    return __chk_pkt (10);

Here is an assembler translation:

     .file   "t03.c"
     .cpu HS
     .extInstruction chk_pkt,0x07,0x01,SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_2OP

     .section        .text
     .align 4
     .global foo
     .type   foo, @function
# 13 "t03.c" 1
     chk_pkt r0, 10

# 0 "" 2
     j_s [blink]
     .size   foo, .-foo
     .ident  "GCC: (ARCompact/ARCv2 ISA elf32 toolchain arc-2016.09-rc1-2-gb04a7b5) 6.2.1 20160824"

Using Defines Only

Define a macro for a two-operand custom instruction in a header file:

#define intrinsic_2OP(NAME, MOP, SOP)       \
    ".extInstruction " NAME "," #MOP ","    \

Create an inline function:

__asm__ (intrinsic_2OP ("chk_pkt", 0x07, 0x01));

Define a macro for the custom instruction to be used in C sources:

#define chk_pkt(src) ({long __dst;                        \
       __asm__ ("chk_pkt %0, %1\n\t"                      \
              : "=r" (__dst)                              \
              : "rCal" (src));                            \

Use the custom instruction in C-sources:

result = chk_pkt(deltachk);

Here is a full content of the header file:


#define intrinsic_2OP(NAME, MOP, SOP)                                        \
    ".extInstruction " NAME "," #MOP "," #SOP ",SUFFIX_NONE, SYNTAX_2OP\n\t"

__asm__ (intrinsic_2OP ("chk_pkt", 0x07, 0x01));

#define chk_pkt(src) ({long __dst;                   \
        __asm__ ("chk_pkt %0, %1\n\t"                \
          : "=r" (__dst)                             \
          : "rCal" (src));                           \

#endif /* _EXT_INSTRUCTIONS_H_ */