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Using a Running GDB Server

It's possible to create a debug configuration for connecting to a running GDB server. It means that the GDB server must be run manually before starting the GDB session.

Connecting to nSIM GDB Server

Follow Creating a Debug Configuration guide and create a simple "Hello, World!" project for running using nSIM. Then do right click on projects's name in Project Explorer and choose Debug As → Debug Configurations.... Then do right click on ARC C/C++ application and choose New Configuration. Select Gdbserver Settings tab and choose Connect to running GDB server option.

Then you can type Host Address for the server. If the server is running on the same machine then use a default localhost value.

nSIM Running GDB Server Configuration

Consider that the project is built successfully. Then you can start nSIM GDB server this way in a terminal:

nsimdrv -tcf $NSIM_HOME/etc/tcf/templates/hs48_full.tcf -on nsim_emt -gdb -port 49105

Then you can start debugging as usual.

Connecting to OpenOCD GDB Server

Follow Getting OpenOCD and Using OpenOCD guides to find out how to get and run OpenOCD.

For example, if the full path of OpenOCD binary is /home/user/tools/openocd/bin/openocd, then here is command line arguments field value for EM Starter Kit 2.3:

/home/user/tools/openocd/bin/openocd \
    -c "gdb_port 49105" \
    -s /home/user/tools/share/openocd/scripts \
    -f board/snps_em_sk_v2.3.cfg