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Manual Installation

Installing Eclipse

Download Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 2020.03 from the official download page. Extract it to eclipse directory.

Install Java SE 11 Runtime

Download Java SE 11 runtime from the official Java download page. Suppose, that the archive contains jdk-11.0.19 directory, then extract it to eclipse directory and rename to jre.

Downloading the Plugin

User can get the latest plugin from the release page. For example, filename of the archive with the plugin for 2023.03 release is

Here is an example of plugin's directory contents:

$ tree
├── artifacts.jar
├── content.jar
├── features
│   └── com.arc.cdt.feature_2019.9.0.202306091135.jar
└── plugins
    ├── com.arc.embeddedcdt_2019.9.0.202306091135.jar
    └── com.synopsys.arc.gnu.elf_2019.9.0.202306091135.jar

3 directories, 5 files

Installing the Plugin

Installing "TM Terminal"

Install TM Terminal plugin through Help → Install New Software... menu. Choose --All Available Sites-- in Work with field. Wait until a list of available plugins is updated and select General Purpose Tools → TM Terminal plugin. Press Next button and proceed with the installation process.

Installing ARC GNU Plugin

Open Help → Install New Software... → Add → Archive menu and select the downloaded plugin's archive (e.g., Then choose ARC GNU Tools Support, press Next button and proceed with the installation process:

Choose Eclipse plugin

Press Install anyway when Security Warning is shown:

Security Warning

You can find information about the installed plugins in Help → About Eclipse IDE → Installation Details window.

Updating the Existing Plugin

To update the existing plugin follow Installing Eclipse guide but for the newer plugin version.