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Installing Eclipse IDE on Linux

Installing Eclipse IDE

Eclipse IDE for ARC GNU toolchain may be downloaded as .tar.gz archive from the releases page. It contains toolchains, OpenOCD and Eclipse itself.

Adjusting Rights for /var/lock

If you plan to connect to UART port on target board with RxTx plugin controlled by IDE you need to change permissions of directory /var/lock in your system. Usually by default only users with root access are allowed to write into this directory, however RxTx tries to write file into this directory, so unless you are ready to run IDE with sudo, you need to allow write access to /var/lock directory for everyone. Note that if /var/lock is a symbolic link to another directory then you need to change permissions for this directory as well.

Here is an example of adjusting rights for /var/lock:

$ ls -l /var/lock
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Jun 10 18:24 /var/lock -> /run/lock
$ ls -ld /run/lock
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 100 Aug  1 15:12 /run/lock
$ sudo chmod go+w /run/lock 
$ ls -ld /run/lock
drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 100 Aug  1 15:12 /run/lock

If it is not possible or not desirable to change permissions for this directory, then serial port connection must be disabled in Eclipse debugger configuration window.

Adding a User to dialout Group

Add a user to dialout group to allow the user to connect to the UART device (/dev/ttyUSBx):

$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout `whoami`

Configuring OpenOCD

Follow Getting OpenOCD guide to configure OpenOCD.