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Specs Files


There is a set of files called specs files with .specs extension. They are shipped with Newlib library in the baremetal toolchain. A specs file for a particular platform (for example, a simulator or a development board) is responsible for linking the application with specific startup code and additional libraries.

For example, a specs file for HS Development Kit is called hsdk.specs and it does this when it's used:

  1. Link an application with a custom linker script that represents HSDK's memory map.
  2. Link an application with a custom startup code.
  3. Link an application with UART library for input/output operations.

You can use specs file using -specs= option:

arc-elf32-gcc -mcpu=archs -specs=hsdk.specs main.c -o main.elf

List of Specs Files

There is a list of general specs files:

  • nosys.specs - link stubs for system calls.
  • nsim.specs - link with GNU hostlink library for nSIM simulator (with -on nsim_emt) or QEMU (-semihosting).
  • hl.specs - link with MetaWare hostlink library for nSIM simulator (default hostlink mode).
  • nano.specs - use Newlib nano instead of default Newlib implementation. May be used in conjunction with other specs file. For example: -specs=nano.specs -specs=nsim.specs.

Also, there are specs files for various development platforms: