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Writing Interrupt Handlers


Refer the official GCC documentation page about ARC function attributes for details.


You can use interrupt GCC function attribute to declare a function as an interrupt handler. Here is an example of declaring and defining a regular interrupt handler for ARCv2 families:

/* Declaration */
void f () __attribute__ ((interrupt ("ilink")));

/* Definition */
void f() {

/* Declaration with a definition */
__attribute__ ((interrupt ("ilink"))) void f() {

A parameter for interrupt attribute stands for a type of an interrupt:

Parameter Type of an interrupt
ilink A regular ARCv2 interrupt
firq A fast ARCv2 interrupt
ilink1, ilink2 ARC600/ARC700 interrupts


The interrupt attribute only puts valid entry and exit code around a function for an interrupt or exception handler. Also, it's necessary to do extra steps:

  • Provide an interrupt vector table (IVT) with an array of pointers to handlers. By default, it's provided only for ARCv2 targets in Newlib.
  • Provide a valid value for INT_VECTOR_BASE auxiliary registers. It must contain a 1KB aligned address of IVT.

Here is a simple implementation of a handler for EV_DivZero exception for ARCv2. It prints a message and then exits:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define AUX_STATUS32_BCR 0x0A

 * A helper for setting DZ flag - it enables EV_DivZero exceptions.

void set_ev_divzero(bool on)
        unsigned int status32 = __builtin_arc_lr(AUX_STATUS32_BCR);
        unsigned int bit = (on ? 1 : 0) << AUX_STATUS32_DZ_OFFSET;
        status32 |= bit;

 * Define an exception handler for EV_DivZero exception.
 * Note that it terminates the applications since EV_DivZero
 * returns to the same place in main function and the
 * exception is raised again.

__attribute__ ((interrupt ("ilink"))) void EV_DivZero()
        printf("Divizion by zero is catched!\n");

int main()
        /* Enable EV_DivZero exceptions */

        /* Provoke EV_DivZero exception */
        int a = 5;
        int b = 0;
        int c = a / b;

        return 0;

Save it as main.c file and compile the application for ARC HS3x/4x families using GNU toolchain:

arc-elf32-gcc -Wl,-marcv2elf -specs=hl.specs -mcpu=hs38 -O0 -g main.c -o main.elf

Meaning of the options:

  • -Wl,-marcv2elf - a linker emulation which puts the IVT at 0x0, this it's properly aligned.
  • -specs=hl.specs - adds support of hostlink for nSIM simulator. It allows to use functions like printf.
  • -mcpu=hs38 -O0 - enable using div instructions and ensure that it's not reduces since our application is too simple.

Run the application using nSIM (-p nsim_isa_intvbase_preset=0x0 is used to ensure that INT_VECTOR_BASE is set to 0x0 by default):

$ nsimdrv -tcf $NSIM_HOME/etc/tcf/templates/hs48_full.tcf -p nsim_isa_intvbase_preset=0x0 main.elf
Divizion by zero is catched!