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Full Rate (GSM-FR) is the first digital speech coding standard used in the GSM digital mobile phone system. The bit rate of this codec is 13 kbit/s, or 1.625 bits/audio sample (often padded out to 33 bytes/20 ms or 13.2 kbit/s).

Source Code

The source code is based on the original GSM-FR code (3GPP TS 06.10) created by Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann, Technische Universitaet Berlin, and then updated to 18 path level. The Application of this codec is to get RPE-LTP from G722, commit eddb5a231b51, and G711, the same commit, for α-law and µ-law compression. Test sequences are taken from 3GPP TS 06.10 version 8.2.0 Release 99, June 2001, and this codec passes the test cases successfully.

Multi-instance and Reentrance

Codec hasn't tested on multi-instance run, for more information about support of multi-instance run see codec source documentation. Codec supports reentrance in case if the value of DSP_CTRL register, AGU address pointer registers (AGU_AUX_APx), AGU offset registers (AGU_AUX_OSx), AGU modifier registers (AGU_AUX_MODx) and accumulators registers (ACC0_LO, ACC0_HI, ACC0_GLO and ACC0_GHI in case of guard mode is on), refer 1 in References, will be saved and restored.

Codec-Specific Build Options

LTO_BUILD and REMAPITU_T options are enabled for this codec by default.

Codec-Specific Run-Time Options

To run GSM-FR codec in MetaWare Debugger (refer 2 in References) use the following commands:

For GSM-FR codec:

mdb -cl -run -nsim -tcf=<default TCF from /rules/> \ 
    ARC_FR_CODEC_app.elf <number of frames> [-l|-u|-A] [-enc|-dec] \
    <input_file.inp> <output_file.cod> <BlockSize> <1stBlock> <NoOfBlocks>

Command-line options for GSM-FR encoder:

Option Description
<input_file.inp> Specifies the input *.inp file
<output_file.cod> Specifies the output *.cod file
-l Input data for encoding and output data for decoding are in linear format (DEFAULT)
-A Input data for encoding and output data for decoding are in α-law (G.711) format
-u Input data for encoding and output data for decoding are in µ-law (G.711) format
<BlockSize> Block size, in number of samples (default = 160) (optional)
<1stBlock> Number of the first block of the input file to be processed (optional)
<NoOfBlocks> Number of blocks to be processed, starting with block <1stBlock>
<number of frames> Number of frames to be processed (optional)
-enc Run only the encoder

Command-line options for GSM-FR decoder:

Option Description
<input_file.cod> Specifies the input *.cod file
<output_file.out> Specifies the output *.out file
-l Input data for encoding and output data for decoding are in linear format (DEFAULT)
-A Input data for encoding and output data for decoding are in α-law (G.711) format
-u Input data for encoding and output data for decoding are in µ-law (G.711) format
<BlockSize> Block size, in number of samples (default = 160) (optional)
<1stBlock> Number of the first block of the input file to be processed (optional)
<NoOfBlocks> Number of blocks to be processed, starting with block <1stBlock>
<number of frames> Number of frames to be processed (optional)
-dec Run only the decoder


The following command encodes the linear Seq01.inp stream:

mdb -cl -run -nsim -tcf=em9d_voice_audio ARC_FR_CODEC_app.elf -l \
    -enc ../testvectors/ref/Seq01.inp ../testvectors/Seq01.cod

The following command decodes the linear Seq01.cod stream without any additional options:

mdb -cl -run -nsim -tcf=em9d_voice_audio ARC_FR_CODEC_app.elf -l \
    -dec ../testvectors/ref/Seq01.cod ../testvectors/Seq01.out