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G.726 is an ITU-T ADPCM speech codec standard covering the transmission of voice at rates of 16, 24, 32, and 40 kbit/s.

Source Code

The original G.726 source code and test sequences are taken from G.191 version 2.0, 24 January 2000, and this codec passes the test cases successfully.

Multi-instance and Reentrance

Codec hasn't tested on multi-instance run, for more information about support of multi-instance run see codec source documentation. Codec supports reentrance in case if AGU address pointer registers (AGU_AUX_APx), AGU offset registers (AGU_AUX_OSx), AGU modifier registers (AGU_AUX_MODx), refer 1 in References, will be saved and restored.

Codec-Specific Build Options

LTO_BUILD and REMAPITU_T options are enabled for that codec by default.

Codec-Specific Run-Time Options

To run G.726 codec in MetaWare Debugger (refer 2 in References), use the following commands.

With variable bitrate:

mdb -run -cl -nsim -tcf=<default TCF from /rules/> vbr-g726.elf \
    [-enc|-dec] -law [A|u|l] -rate [16|24|32|40|16-24-32-40] -frame [NoOfSamples] \
    [-noreset] [-?|-help] <InpFile> <OutFile> [<FrameSize> [<1stBlock> [<NoOfBlocks> [<Reset>]]]]

With constant bit rate:

mdb -run -cl -nsim -tcf=<default TCF from /rules/> g726demo.elf \
    [-noreset] [-?|-help] <Law> <Transf> <Rate>  <InpFile> <OutFile> \
    [<FrameSize> [<1stBlock> [<NoOfBlocks> [<Reset>]]]]

Command-line options descriptions for G.726 with variable bitrate support:

Option Description
<input_file> Specifies the input file
<output_file> Specifies the output file
-enc Encode mode. Default: run encoder and decoder (optional)
-dec Encode mode. Default: run encoder and decoder (optional)
-law A|u The letters A or a for G.711 A-law, letter u for G.711 u-law, or letter l for linear. If linear is chosen, A-law is used to compress/expand samples to/from the G.726 routines.Default is A-law (optional)
-rate Bit-rate (in kbit/s): 40, 32, 24 or 16 (in kbit/s) or a combination of them using dashes (For example, 32-24 or 16-24-32). Default is 32 kbit/s (optional)
-frame Number of samples per frame for switching bit rates. Default is 16 samples (optional)
-noreset Do not reset the encoder/decoder (optional)
-?|-help Print help message (optional)
FrameSize Frame size, in number of samples; The bitrate only changes at the boundaries of a frame. Default: 16 samples (optional)
1stBlock The number of the first block of the input file to be processed. Default: first block (optional)
NoOfBlocks The number of blocks to be processed, starting with block 1stBlock (optional)
Reset If specified as 1, the coder and decoder are reset at the very beginning of the processing. If 0, the processing starts with the variables in an unknown state. Default is 1 (reset ON) (optional)

Command-line options descriptions for G.726 with constant bitrate support:

Option Description
<input_file> Specifies the input file
<output_file> Specifies the output file
Transf Desired conversion on the input file (optional): [lolo], (A/u)log -> ADPCM -> (A/u) log[load], (A/u)log -> ADPCM[adlo], ADPCM -> (A/u) log
Law Desired law (either A or u) (optional)
Rate The bit-rate (in kbit/s): 40, 32, 24 or 16 (in kbit/s)or a combination of them using dashes (For example, 32-24 or 16-24-32). Default is 32 kbit/s (optional)
-frame Number of samples per frame for switching bit rates. Default is 16 samples (optional)
-noreset Do not reset the encoder/decoder (optional)
-?|-help Print help message (optional)
FrameSize The frame size, in number of samples; the bitrate only changes at the boundaries of a frame. Default: 16 samples (optional)
1stBlock The number of the first block of the input file to be processed. Default: first block (optional)
NoOfBlocks The number of blocks to be processed, starting with block 1stBlock (optional)
Reset If specified as 1, the coder and decoder are reset at the very beginning of the processing. If 0, the processing starts with the variables in an unknown state. Default is 1 (reset ON) (optional)


The following command instructs the codec encoding and decoding audio file decoder to A-law log with variable bitrate:

mdb -run -cl -nsim -tcf=em9d_voice_audio vbr-g726.elf -q -law A -rate 16-24-32-40-32-24 \
    ../testvectors/Ref/voice.src ../testvectors/voicvbra.tst

The following command instructs the codec to encode converting from A-law log input file to ADPCM decoded file with frame size is 16 and 1 start block:

mdb -run -cl -nsim -tcf=em9d_voice_audio g726demo.elf -q a load 16 \
    ../testvectors/Ref/nrm.a ../testvectors/rn16fa.i 16 1 1024